Hirsch-chotsch, Zebi, Ben-jerachmiel
Hirsch-Chotsch, Zebi, ben-Jerachmiel a Polish Rabbi, and one of the most eloquent preachers of the 17th century, was born at Cracow, but spent his later days in Germany. He gained renown as an author by נִחִלִת צבַי or Hereditas decoris ex Jeremiah 3, 19 (Frankf. 1721, fol.); an allegorical commentary on the Pentateuch, written in German, with Hebrew characters, and in the main drawn from "Zohar." one of the works of the Cabalists: — שִׁבִּתָּה דנרַגלָא, Sabbathum festi (Furth, 1603, 4to): — חֶמדִּת צבַי, or Desiderium decoris, a commentary on "Tilne Zohar" (Amsterd. 1706, fol.), etc. Furst, Bib. Judaica, 1, 177; Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Géneralé 24, 792; Jocher, Gelehrt. Lex. 2, 1626.