Heilmann, Johann David
Heilmann, Johann David a learned German theologian, was born at Osnabrück Jan. 13,1727. He studied at Halle, became rector of Hameln in 1764, and professor of theology at Göttingen in 1754, where he died Feb. 22. 1764. His principal writings are Specimen observ. ad illustrat. N.T. (Halle, 1743, 4to): — Paralliae entre l'esprit d'irrèligion d'oujourdhui et les anciens adversaires de la religion Chretienne (Halle, 1750, 8vo): — Compendium theologiae dogmatica (Göttingen, 1761 and 1.774 8vo): — Opuscula theol. Arjnumenti (ed. Danovius, Jena, 1774-77, 2 vols. 8vo). — G. G. Heyne, Heilmanni Memoria (Göttingen, 1764); Jocher, Allgem. Gelehrt. Lexikon, continued by Adelung, 2, 1868.