Hatto bishop of Basel, was born 763, made bishop in 805, and abbot of Reichenau in 806. He was employed by Charlemagne in an embassy to the Greek emperor Nicephorus, to settle the boundaries of both empires. Having, in 823, laid aside his titles and dignities, he died in 836 as a simple monk at Reichenau. Two of his works have descended to us: De visione Wettini (Visions of his disciple Wettin on those suffering in Purgatory and on the Glory of Saints, done into verses by Walafrid Strabo, and printed in Mabillon, Acta S. Benled. 4, 1, 273); 25 capita (D'Acheri, 1, 584). — Herzog, Real-Encyklopadie, s.v.; Clarke, Succession of Sac. Liter. 2, 471. (J. N. P.)