Harrison, William Henry, Dd
Harrison, William Henry, D.D.
was born Jan. 12, 1819, in Frederick County, Md. He entered the preparatory department of Pennsylvania College in 1838, and was graduated in 1843 with the valedictory of his class. He early developed a taste for literary research; and, while others were often engaged in recreation and amusement, he was in his room busily engaged in the investigation of some question of interest, and in the acquisition of knowledge. The one thing in which, perhaps, he excelled all others was the moral influence which he exercised over his companions. His very presence, even when he kept silent, was felt. Immediately after his graduation in college he commenced his theological studies in the Theological Seminary at Gettysburg. On their completion in 1845 he was licensed to preach the Gospel by the Synod of Maryland. He was elected assistant professor of ancient languages in: Pennsylvania College, and served for a season as general agent of the Parent Education Society. The following: year he accepted a call to the English Lutheran Church of Cincinnati, as he felt that he could be more useful and efficient in the pastoral work. Here he labored with great success till his death. His labors were unwearied and abundant. His life was regarded as a sacrifice to the cause of humanity and religion. He died of Asiatic cholera during the prevalence of the epidemic' in Cincinnati, Nov. 3, 1866, and, although comparatively a young man, he was at the time of his death the senior pastor of the city. He was a good scholar, a sound theologian, and a clear, practical, and instructive preacher. He received the doctorate from Wittenberg College in 1861. (M. L. S.)