Gunner, Johann Ernest
Gunner, Johann Ernest a Norwegian prelate and naturalist, was born in Christiana, February 26, 1718. He began his studies under the direction of his father, who was a physician in that city, and went to Copenhagen to continue them. In. 1742 the king gave him means. to go to Halle, and afterwards to Jena, where he studied philosophy, and became a member of the faculty. On his return to Copenhagen in 1755, he was made extraordinary professor of theology in the university. In 1758 the bishopric of Drontheim was conferred. upon him. He died at Christians and, September 23, 1773, leaving, Hyrdebrev (Drontheim, 1758): — Klagtale over Kong Frederic V (ibid. 1766): — also Memoirs in the Norsk Videnskabernsselskabs Skrifter (writings of the Academy of Science of Norway), etc. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.