Fulcran saint and bishop, was a native of Lodeve, archdiocese of Narbonne; France, in the 10th century, and from his childhood exhibited marked piety. He was educated by Theodoric, bishop of Lodeve, who ordained him. On the death of Theodoric, the city elected Fulcran to be his successor, and he was consecrated at Narbonne by archbishop Imerick, February 4, 949. His zeal and humility endeared him to his flock, as did also his abundant charity in time of famine. For a harsh word ("The man deserves to be burnt") spoken of a bishop who had fallen into heresy, and whom he heard was actually burned by the people, he was filled with remorse, twice went to Rome to do penance. tore the clothes from his back, bade his companions beat him through the streets with thorn branches, and made his confessions in the Church of St. Peter. When near his death, multitudes poured to Lodeve to receive his blessing. Fulcran died in 1006. He is celebrated in the Gallican martyrology (February 13), and his life has been written by bishop Bernard Guido, compiled from ancient notices and lives of this saint, published by Bollandus. See Baring-Gould, Lives of the Saints, 2:294.