Friuli, Council of
Friuli, Council Of (Concilium Forojuliense), was held A.D. 796 (not 791), as Pagi shows, under Paulinus, patriarch of Aquileia, whose letter to Charlemagne, formerly misconnected with the synod of Altino, A.D. 802, assigns three causes for its meeting: (1) the orthodox faith; (2) ecclesiastical discipline; and (3) recent outrages, probably by the Huns. The first of these is explained in his speech, which is an elaborate apology for the reception into the Western creed of the clause "and the Son," which Charlemagne had attacked, and the pope vindicated, the second Nicene Council two years before for not having in theirs; Paulinus himself endeavoring to prove both right. The resemblance between parts of this speech and the Athanasian creed has been remarked, and is very close. Besides it is observable that all priests are required to commit to memory the entire exposition of "the Catholic faith," with which he concludes while, for everybody else, the learning by heart of the Creed and the Lord's Prayer is prescribed. Of the canons, the 1st threatens simony; the 2d drunkenness; the 4th and 5th deprecate secular employments and amusements for the clergy. By the 10th, a divorced person is forbidden to marry again till the former partner dies; and by the 13th all are inhibited from working on Sundays and holidays. See Smith, Dict. of Christ. Antiq. s.v.; Landon, Manual of Councils, s.v.