Fouquere Dom Antoine-michel
Fouquere Dom Antoine-Michel, a learned Benedictine of the Congregation of St. Maur, was born at Chateauroux in 1641, and died at Meaux November 3, 1709. He was made teacher of rhetoric in the monastery of St. Pierre de Mauriac, where he acquired the reputation of being an excellent professor, especially of Greek. In 1678 he was appointed superior of his convent, and filled the post for fifteen years, after which he retired to the abbey of St. Faron at Meaux, where he died. His works are,
(1) a Latin translation of a work of Dionysius, patriarch of Constantinople, on points of controversy between the Calvinists and Roman Catholics, published, together with original text, under the title of Dionysii patriarchae Constantinopolitani super Calvinistarum erroribus ac reali imprimis praesentia Responsio; and with the preceding,
(2) a Latin translation of the acts of the council held at Jerusalem A.D. 1672, under the title of Synodus Betleemetica pro reali praesentia anno 1672 celebrata, graece et lat. (Paris, 1676, 8vo). (By the advice of Francois Combefis and A. Arnauld, these translations were revised and corrected, and a new edition published in 1678, the latter under the title of Synodus Hierosolymitana pro reali praesentia).
(3) Under the pseudonyme of Tamaguinus, Celebris historia Monothelitarum atque Honorii controversia scrutiniis octo comprehensa (Paris, 1678, 8vo), a work which excited a good deal of interest. — Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, 18:309-10.