Figure stands in the Auth. Vers. as the representative of the following words in the original: סֶמֶל, se'mel, De 4:16, i.e. an idol, as elsewhere rendered; מַקלִעִת, nzikla'ath, 1Ki 6:29, a carving, as, elsewhere rendered; but usually, in a metaphorical sense, תִּבּנַית, tabnith', Isa 44:13, likeness or pattern, as elsewhere rendered; to which correspond in the N.T. τύπος, Ac 7:43; Ro 5:14, a type; άντίτυπον, Heb 9:24; 1Pe 3:21, an antitype; and παραβολή,, Heb 9:9; Heb 11:19, a parable, as elsewhere rendered. SEE TYPE; SEE PARABLE.