Feltus, Henry J, Dd
Feltus, Henry J., D.D.
a Protestant Episcopal clergyman, was born in 1775. He was a native of Ireland, and came to America when quite a young man. Having been for some time a preacher in another communion, he was admitted into the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal Church about 1798. He officiated for a period at Easton, Pennsylvania, when he became rector of Trinity Church, Sweedsborough, N.J., whence he was called, in 1808, to the rectorate of St. Ann's Church, Brooklyn, L.I., and thence, in 1824, to that of St. Stephen's Church, New York city. He died August 24, 1828. Dr. Feltus was distinguished for piety, and fidelity in the discharge of all his ministerial duties. He was humble and affectionate, and much beloved and respected by his congregation. See The Christian Journal (N.Y.), 1828, page 287.