Ez'rah (Hebrews Ezrah, עֶזרָה, help, another form of Ezer or Ezra; Sept. Ε᾿σρί, Vulg. Ezra, A.V. "Ezra"), a descendant of Judah (as if in the line of Caleb), and the father of several sons, although his own parentage is not given (1Ch 4:17), unless he be identical with the Ezer of verse 4, whose son's name, however, does not correspond. B.C. ante 1618. SEE MERED. According to the author of the Quoesliones in Paral. Ezra is the same as Amram, and his sons Jether and Mered are Aaron and Moses; but this is cut of the question. SEE EZRAHITE.