Example (δεῖγμα, Jude 1:7), especially CHRIST'S (ὑπόγραμμα, 1Pe 2:21) for the imitation of his followers (ὑπόδειγμα, Joh 13:15; elsewhere in other relations, Heb 4:11; Heb 8:5; Heb 9:23; Jas 5:10; 2Pe 2:6), and subordinately pastors for their flack (τὐπος, Php 3:17; 2Th 3:9; 1Ti 4:12; 1Pe 5:3, etc.). See Flatt, Das Beispiel Jesu (in the Magaz. fur chr. Doymat. 1:179 sq.); Keil, De Exemplo Christi (Lips. 1792; Opusc. 1:100- 135); Oeder, De Christi imitatione (in his Obss. sacr. 1:33-56); Schmid, De perverso Christi imitatione (Lips. 1710);, Stober, De exemplorum imitatione (Argent. 1771-6); Wolf, De exemplis caute adhibendis (Lips. 1785-6); Kempis, Imitaio of Christ (often published).