Er (Hebrews id. עֵר, watchful; Sept. and N.T. "Hp, Vulg. Her.), the name of three men. SEE ERI.
1. The oldest son of the patriarch Judah by BathShuah (daughter of Shuah), a Canaanitess. His wife was Tamar, but he had no issue, and his widow eventually became the mother of Pharez and Zarah by Judah. Er "was wicked [רע, a paronomasia of ער] in the sight of the Lord; and the Lord slew him" (Ge 38:3-7; Nu 26:19). B.C. cir. 1896. It does not appear what the nature of his sin was; but, from his Canaanitish birth on the mother's side, it was probably connected with the abominable idolatries of Canaan.
2. A "son" of Shelah (Judah's son), and "father" of Lecah (1Ch 4:21). B.C. prob. ante 1618.
3. Son of Jose and father of Elmodan, in Christ's genealogy, of David's private line prior to Salathiel (Lu 3:28). B.C. cir. 725.