Enhaddah (2)
En-haddah As the modern representative of this site Lieut. Conder suggests (Tent Work in Palest. 2:336; comp. Quar. Statement of the "Pal. Explor. Fund," January 1881, page 51) Kefr Adsdn, on the south edge of the plain of Esdraelon, three miles north-west of Jenin (Engannim), which the Memohis to the Ordinance Survey (2:45) describe as "a village of moderate size on the slope of the hills, built of stone, with olives below and a well on the west. This appears to be the Kefr Outheni of the Talmud, a village on the border between Samaria and Galilee (Mishna, Gittin, 7:7)."