Emmerling, Christian August Gottfried
Emmerling, Christian August Gottfried a Lutheran theologian of Germany, was born June 6, 1781. He. studied at Leipsic, was in 1805 catechist, and in 1810 preacher there; in 1811 became assistant to the pastor of Probstheyda, near Leipsic, and in 1814 was appointed to the pastorate of that place. He died January 22, 1827, leaving, De Paulo Felicem Institutionis suae Successum Praedicante, 2Co 2:14-17 (Leipsic, 1809): — C.A. Th. Keilii Elementa Hermeneutices Novi Testamenti (ibid. 1811): — Pauli Epistola ad Corinthios posterior (ibid. 1823). See Doring, Die gelehrten Theologen Deutschlands, s.v.; Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. 1:107, 260. (B.P.)