Ebert, Theodor
Ebert, Theodor son of Jacob Ebert (q.v.), succeeded his father as professor of Hebrew at the university its Frankfort on the Oder. He shared also the honor of being rector with his father. Ebert died in 1630. Among his principal works are, Vita Christi, tribus de curiis rhythmorum quadratorum hebraicorum (Frankf. on the Oder, 1615, 4to): — Animad psalticarum Centuria (1619, 4to): — Manuductiones aphoristicae ad discursum atrium sectiones xvi (1620, 4to): — Chronologia prcecipuorum Lingua Sancte Doctorum, ab O.C. ad suam usque aetatem (1620, 4to): — Eulogia juris consultorum et politicorum qui linguam hebraicam et reliquas orientales excoluerunt (1628): — Poetica Hebraica (1638, 8vo), in which the Hebrew meters are more extensively exemplified than in any other work. — Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Gen. 15:610; Etheridge, Intr. to Hebrews Literature, page 374.