Ebert, Jacob
Ebert, Jacob an eminent Hebrew scholar, was born at Sprottau in 1549. He was professor of Hebrew and theology at the university then in Frankfort on the Oder, now in Berlin, and at one time its rector magnificus. So versed was he in Hebrew that he could write in that language. He died in 1614. His works are, Historia Juram sentorium.(Frankfort on the Oder, 1588, 8vo): — Institutio intellectus cum elegantia (ibid. 1597): — Electa Hebraea 750 a libro Rabbinico Mibchar Hapheninim (1630, 12mo). — Tetrasticha febraea in textus evangelicos, etc. — Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, xv. 609 sq. (J.H.W.)