Dothan (2)
The latest description of this interesting site is by Lieut. Conder (Tent-work in Palestine, 1:107):
"By noon we reached Dothan, the scene of Joseph's betrayal by his brethren, and halted under a spreading fig-tree beside a long cactus hedge. Just north of us was the well called Bir-el-Htfireh ('Well of the Pit'), and east of us a second, with a water-trough, thus accounting for the name Dothan, 'two wells.' Above the wells on the north rises the shapeless mound where the town once stood, and on the wet spread the dark-brown plain of Arrfnbeh, across which runs the main Egyptian road — the road by which the armies of Thothmes and Necllo came up from the sea-coast, and by which the Midianitish merchants went down with their captive. The cattle stood by the well, huddling in the shade, waiting to be watered, and rude cowherds and goatherds gathered around us in groups, which were, no doubt, not far different in dress or language from Joseph's brethren four thousand years ago."