Demonax the most distinguished of the later cynics, flourished in the 2d century of our aera. He probably lived in the time of Hadrian (A.D. 117-138), though the exact dates of his birth and death are unknown. Lucian, his only contemporary biographer, represents him as a wise and good man, and writes his history avowedly as an example for the imitation of the young of his own time. He was by birth a Cyprian, and removed to Athens, where he joined the cynic school, chiefly out of respect to the memory of Diogenes. He seems to have been free from the austerity and moroseness of the other members of his sect, but valued their indifference to outward circumstances. He was exceedingly popular at Athens, and was, no doubt, an amiable, good-humored man; but contributed nothing more to philosophy than his predecessors. He died when nearly a hundred years old, and was buried with great magnificence.