Delitzsch, Johann
Delitzsch, Johann eldest son of Dr. Franz Delitzsch, was born at Rostock, August 3, 1846. He studied at Erlangen, Tubingen, and Leipsic, and published as his doctorate dissertation Die Gotteslehre des Thomas von Aquino, in 1870. Two years later he commenced his academical career at Leipsic by presenting his De Inspiratione Scripturae Sacrae. In 1874 he published in the Studien und Kritiken an essay, Zur Quellenkritik der altesten
Kitrchlichen Berichte uber Simon Petrus und Simon Magus, which was followed in 1875 by his Lehrsystem der romischen Kirche. He was now made professor extraordinarius at the Leipsic University. In 1876 he published Oehler's Lehrbuch der Symbolik, but in the same year his health gave way, and he died, February 3, at Rapallo, near Genoa. See Schurer, Theologische Literatur-zeitung, 1876, page 141 sq. (B.P.)