Crespel, Emmanuel, Osf
Crespel, Emmanuel, O.S.F.
an eminent Roman Catholic missionary, was a native of Belgium. In 1723 he left Avesnes, in Hainault, and arrived at Quebec in October, 1724. Being ordained March 17, 1726, he went as chaplain with Lignery's expedition against ti e Foxes. He was next stationed at Niagara, Fort Fronltenac, and Crown Point. suffering greatly in his winter service at the last-named place. Being recalled to France, he sailed from Quebec, Nov. 3, 1736, but was shipwrecked on the way, and barely escaped death. I-He Quebec, and was pastor at Soulanges till 1738, where he finally returned to Europe. His Letters, describing his perils in America, were published in French, at Frankfort, in 1742; soon appeared in German, and an English translation was issued in London in 1797. Dr. Shea published another version in his Perils of the Ocean and Wilderness. See Cath. Almanac, 1873, page 50; De Courcy and Shea, Hist. of the Cath. Church in the U.S. page 474.