Cowper, Charles Philip
Cowper, Charles Philip a Methodist Episcopal minister, was born at Baden, Germany, April 8, 1851. He emigrated to New York city with his parents when four years of age; experienced conversion in 1864; assisted in establishing the first mission for colored people, under the auspices of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in New York city; gave himself to that wnork with remarkable zeal and self-denial; studied three years at the Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Massachusetts, preaching nearly every Sunday; and in 1873 entered the New York East Conference, wherein he labored with abundant success till his death, July 11, 1875. Mr. Cowper was a young man of considerable promise, sweet in spirit, unassuming in manner, and irreproachable in conduct. His mind was strong, and his will consecrated. See Minutes of Annual Conferences, 1876, page 61.