Cornell, John

Cornell, John a minister of the Reformed (Dutch) Church, was born at Northampton, Pennsylvania, in 1774. He pursued his classical studies at the Log College, Pennsylvania, completing them with Dr. Wilson, in New York city; prosecuted his theological studies under Dr. J.H. Livingston, and was licensed by the classis of New York in 1798. He became pastor of the Presbyterian churches of Allentown and Nottingham, Pennsylvania, in 1800, and served them for twenty years. His health becoming impaired, he removed to Somerville, N.J., where he acted as principal of the academy from 1821 to 1828. He removed, in the latter year, to Millstone, and died there in 1835. As an instructor, he was noted for great thoroughness and ability. As a preacher, he was clear, discriminating, and marked by sound judgment; his sermons were instructive, methodical, and impressive. See Corwin, Manual of the Ref. Church in America, 3d ed. page 223.

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