Cole, Thomas
Cole, Thomas, an English Nonconformist, was educated at Westminster School, and at Christ Church, Oxford. In 1656 he became principal of St. Mary's Hall, where he was tutor to John Locke. In 1660 he was ejected from Oxford by the king's commissioners for nonconformity, and opened an academy at Nettle. head, Oxfordshire. Thence he removed to London, where he became pastor of a large congregation, and one of the lecturers at Pinner's Hall. He was a strong opponent of the Neonomian (q.v.) doctrine. He died in September, 1697. Among his writings are, A Discourse on Regeneration, Faith, and Repentance, Lond. 1689, 8vo; A Discourse of the Christian Religion; Imputed Righteousness for Justification incomprehensible by human Reason. — Calamy, Nonconfornmist's Memorial, 1:196.