Chateaubriand, Francois Auguste Ren
Chateaubriand, Francois Auguste Ren,
Vicomte de, a famous French poet, historian, philosopher, and statesman, was born; Sept. 4, 1768, at St. Malo; in Bretagne, and died in 'Paris, July 4, 1848.' He deserves an honorable place in this Cyclopaedia as an apologist of Christianity.. His first important work in that direction was, the -Essai Historique, Politique, et Morcal sunr les Revolutions Anciennzes et Modernes, etc.'(Lond. 1797, 2 vols.; Paris, 1814):-Genie du Christianismea (Paris, 1802; Germ. transl. by Schneller, 2d ed. Freiburg, 185657, 2 vols.). This work, which h-be dedicated to Bonaparte, placed - him at once among the first writers of his people and time. In 1807 he published his Les Martyrs, oun le Triomphe de la Religion Chaetieznne (Germ. transl. by Fesenmair, Munich, 1864), in which he glorifies the Christian religion.' In this work, as well as in his Itineraire de Paris a Jerusalem et de Jerusalem a Paris, he admonishes, as a good Catholic, his co-religionists to adhere .to their Church. His (Euvres Conpletes were published at Paris in 1826 and 1838; new edition by Sainte-Beuve, in 12 vols. 1859-61; a German edition-of his works was published at Freiburg, 1827-38, in 66 small volumes. See Vinet, Tableau de la Litterat. Fran. a.u Dix-neuvieme Siecle; Sainnte-Beuvne, Chateaubr and et son Graoupe Litterai re sous l'Empire (Paris, 1860, 1873, 2 vols.); Scherer, Etudes. Critiq. sur la Litter. Contemp.; Tzschirtner, Lettraes sur la Religion et la Politique'(1829); Revue Charetienne, v, 680 sq.; ix, 82 sq.; Lichstenberger, Encyclop. des 'Sciences Religieuses. s.v.; Winler, Handbuch der theol. Lit. i, 154, 406. (B. P.)