Caribbean Mythology
Caribbean Mythology Like all uncivilized nations, this people had but superficial conceptions of the creation of the world, the population of the earth, and of a life beyond. They believed that heaven was from eternity; it encircled an earth more beautiful and better than the present one. The latter was originally soft and at rest. A stranger, tongue, gave it form and motion, and put fishes into the sea. The origin of terrestrial animals was not known, but human beings sprang from the navel of Louguo, who first inhabited the earth, then died, was raised to life again, and withdrew to that better heavenly world. Men became worse and worse, and because they did not make any sacrifices to the gods the latter sent a great flood, by which all men save a few were destroyed. The first men lived very long, some of them being changed into stars and made immortal for their good works. After the flood they lived in poverty and want. The Caribs, however, expected a happier existence in that upper world — better houses, more food, more women, no work, no sickness, but an unbroken life of pleasure. They worshipped the sun and moon, and on the occurrence of earthquakes they fasted for a number of days. Very seldom did they make sacrifices, for they took it for granted that the gods have no need of human service.