Capefigue, Jean Baptiste Honorae Raimond
Capefigue, Jean Baptiste Honorae Raimond, a French historian and: publicist, who was born at Marseilles in 180?, and died in 1873, is best known as the author of, Histoir Philsophis qu deo, Juifs (Brussels,, 1834) :-Histoire de la Reforme, de la Ligne et du Regne de Henri IV (ibid. 1834-35, 8 vols.). He also wrote, History of Philip Augustus (1831, 4 vols.):-T/he First Four Centuries of the Christian Church (1850, 3 vols.): -The Church in the Middle Ages (1852, 2 vols.):- and The Church in the Last Four Centuries (1854, 4 vols.). See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v. ..(B. P.)