Canisius, Henricus
Canisius, Henricus or de Hondt, nephew of Petrus, was born at Nimeguen, studied at Louvain, and taught the canon law in the University of Ingolstadt, where he died in 1610. The work by which he is best known is his Antique Lectiones (1601, 1602, 1603. 6 vols.), republished by Basnage in 1725 (7 vols.), with notes, and with the Greek text in addition to the Latin version, which Canisius had given alone. Canisius also published Summa Juris Cancnici; Commentarium in Regulas Juris; Prclectiones academicse; De decimis primitiis, et usuris; De sponsalibus et matrimonio: all collected and published by Bouvet in his Opera Canoetica Canisii (Louvain, 1649). — Biog. Univ. 7:12; Landon, Eccl. Dictionary, 2:534.