Cammerhof, John Frederick
Cammerhof, John Frederick, one of the first bishops of the Moravian Church in America, was born near Magdeburg, Germany, July 28, 1721. Entering the Moravian ministry, he was sent to America as assistant to the presiding bishop, and arrived at a time when the Church at Bethlehem was a center of missionary activity among the American Indians. "In all the mission stations in Pennsylvania and New York Cammerhof was active, proclaiming the crucified one with great power to the wild warriors, and through the agency of faithful interpreters, among whom was the famous missionary David Zeisberger, inviting them in eloquent appeals to look up and see their salvation finished." He won the confidence of the Indians, especially of the Delawares and the Six Nations, and in 1748 he was formally adopted by the Oneidas as a member of their tribe. In 1750 he attended an Iroquois council at Onondago, N. Y., travelling by canoes up the Susquehanna for 13 days, and thence on foot through the wild mountain regions of Southern New York a fortnight more. The journey broke down his constitution, and he died at Bethlehem, April 28,1771. — The Moravian, Sept. 26, 1861.