Brandmuller, Johannes
Brandmuller, Johannes a Reformed doctor and professor of theology — father of Jacobus — was born at Biberach, in Suabia, in 1533. He studied at Tubingen and Basle; was in 1555 inspector of the Basle college, in 1565 pastor of St. Theodor; in 1576 professor of Hebrew, and in 1581 doctor and professor of theology, and died in 1596. He was a zealous advocate of the teachings of (Ecolampadius and of the Reformed doctrine of theb Lord's Supper, and was therefore called "Ecolampadianae sinceritatis Germanus Successor." His writings were mostly homiletical. See Ruppejus, Descriptio Vitae et Obitus Joh. Brandmulleri (Basle, 1601). (B.P.).