Bradford, Moses Bradstreet
Bradford, Moses Bradstreet a Congregational minister, son of Reverend Moses Bradford, was born in Francestown, N.H., April 20, 1799. After attending the academies at Kimball Union and Pembroke he entered Amherst College, from which he graduated in 1825, and subsequently studied theology under Reverend Dr. Packard of Shelburne Falls, Mass. He was ordained in Montague, Massachusetts, November 19, 1828, and continued to be pastor of that church until January 16, 1832. From October of that year until February 1859, he was pastor in Grafton, Vermont; from December 1859, until 1869 he was acting-pastor at Mclndoes Falls, Barnet, and continued to reside there from that time until the close of his life. When the General Convention of Vermont met in St. Albans in 1854, he was elected its moderator. His death occurred September 23, 1878. See Cong. Year-book, 1879, page 39.