Borum, John
Borum, John a Baptist minister, was born in Nottoway Coulntyr, Va., Dec. 5, 1775, and removed with his father's family in 1805 to Wilson County, Tenn., where be lived the remainder of his life. He united with the Church in 1805, and soon after began to preach; the bouunds of his labors, in his early ministry, embracing Brush Creek, Round Lick, Spring Creek, Salem, and many other churches. He was among the original founders of the Salem Association. As a preacher, he was experimental rather than doctrinal, and he wielded great influence in all the region where he resided. The family is a Baptist one as far back as it can be traced. He died May 30, 1844. See Borum, Sketches of Tenn. Bapt. Ministers, p. 41-45. (J. C. S.)