Bonnus, Hermann
Bonnus, Hermann a Lutheran theologian of Germany, was born in 1504 at Quackenbrtick, in the principality of Osnabruck. He studied at first in Mrinster, under the cathedral provost, Rudolph von Lange. From 1521 to 1525 he attended the lectures of Luther and Melancthon, and in 1525 he accepted a position at Griefswalde, where he labored for the propagation of the pure Gospel. In 1530 he accepted a call to Libeck as rector of the newly founded school of St. Mary, and in 1531 he was appointed superintendent there. Amid many difficulties he succeeded in introducing a fixed evangelical order for the city of Lilbeck, and his catechism, which was first published in 1539, was often republished. In 1543 he was called to his native country to labor in behalf of the Reformation. Having completed his work there, he returned towards the end of the same year to Lubeck. In 1545 he published the Lilbeck hymn-book, entitled Enchiridion geistlike lede unde Psalmen uppet nye gebetert von M. Luther. He died Feb. 12, 1548. His motto was, "Spes mea unica Christus." After his death were published, Enarrationes Succinctce et Erudites Locorum Insignium Prcesertim Paulinis et Aliorum Apostolorum Epistolis Sumptorums (Basle, 1571): — Institutiones de Modo et Ratione 'Orandi (ibid. 1574). See Ausjihrliche Geschichte der Liibeckischen Kirchen-Reformation in den Jahren 1529-31, by F. Petersen (Libeck, 1830); Waitz, Lubeck unter Jirgen, Wullenwever u. die europiische Politik (Berlin, 1855); Spiegel, Hermann Bonnus '(Leipsic, 1864); Plitt, in Hersog's Real- Encyklop. (2d ed.) s.v.; Koch, Gesch. der deutschen Kirchenliedes, 1, 428 sq. (B. P.)