There are two Heb. words thus rendered in the authorized version. SEE CROWN; SEE HEAD-DRESS.
1. פּאֵר (peer', literally an ornament, and so translated in Isa 61:10; "beauty" in ver. 3; "goodly" in Ex 29:28; "tire" in Eze 24:17,23) was a simple head-dress, tiara, or turban, worn by females (Isa 3:20), priests (Ex 29:28; Eze 44:18), a bridegroom (Isa 61:10), or generally in gala dress (Isa 61:3; Eze 24:17,23). It appears to have consisted merely of a piece of cloth tastefully folded about the head. In the case of females it was probably more compact and less bulging than with men. SEE TURBAN.
⇒Bible concordance for BONNET.
2. מַגבָּעוֹת (migbath', literally convexities) is spoken only of the sacred cap or turban of the common priests (Ex 28:40; Ex 29:9; Ex 39:2,8; Le 8:13), in distinction from the mitre of the highpriest, for which another term is used. SEE PRIEST.