Bohmer, Wilhelm
Bohmer, Wilhelm a Protestant theologian of Germany, was born at Burg, near Magdeburg, March 5, 1800. In 1824 he commenced lecturing at Berlin; was in 1825 professor at Greifswalde, in 1828 at Halle, and in 1829 again in Greifswalde. In 1832 he was called to Breslau, and died Nov. 25, 1864. He published, Isagoge in Epistolam ad Colossenses (Berlin, 1829): — Die christlich-kirchliche Alterthunmzswissenschaft (Breslau, 1830, 2 vols.): — Hermogenes Africanus (Stralsund, 1832): — Symbolce Biblicea ad Dogmaticen Christianam (Vatislav, 1833) — Theologische Auslegung des Sendschreibens an die Colosser (ibid. 1835): — Die christliche Dogmatik oder Glaubenslehre (ibid. 1840, 2 vols.): — Die theologische Ethik, christlichen Lebens (ibid. 1847): — System des christlichen Lebens (ibid.
1853): — Die Lehrunterschiede der katholischen und evangelischen Kirchen. See Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. i, 89, 264, 608, 642, 644, Ztchold, Bibl. Theol. i, 167 sq. (B. P.)