Blemur, Marie Jacqueline Bouette De
Blemur, Marie Jacqueline Bouette De, a French theologian, a nun of the Benedictine order of St. Sacrement, was born Jan. 8, 1618. Being placed, at the age of five years, in the abbey of St. Trinite of Caen, she took the vows at the age fixed by the ecclesiastical laws. She afterwards became prioress, and had charge of organizing a monastery of Benedictines, which the duchess of Mecklenburg had founded at Chatillon. She died March 24, 1696. Her principal works are, L'Annee Benedictine: — L'Eloge des Personnes Distinguees en Vertus qui
ont vecu, au dernier Siecle, dans l'Ordre de SaintBezoit. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.