Blakeney, Richard Paul, Dd, Lld
Blakeney, Richard Paul, D.D., LL.D.
an Aniglican divine, was born at Roscommon, Ireland, June 2, 1820. He was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, taking a first-class place in theology in 1843; became curate of St. Paul's, Nottingham, the-same year; vicar at Ison Green, Nottinghamshire, in 1844; at Christ Church, Claughton, Birkenhbead, in 1852; at Bridlington, Yorkshire, in 1874; canon of Fenton, in York Cathedral, in 1882; and died January 1, 1885. He wrote largely on the Catholic controversy, and was the author of, Manual of the Romish Controversy (1851 and often): — Hist. and Interpretation of Common Prayer (1865 and since): — besides two very popular Catechisms.