Benevento Immanuelo Di
Benevento Immanuelo Di a Jewish grammarian and Cabalist of Italy, who flourished in the middle of the 16th century, is the author of סֵ8 לַויִּת חֵן, a Hebrew grammar divided into four sections and one hundred and thirty-eight chapters (Mantua, 1557). He also edited תַּקּוּנֵי זֹהִר, supplements to the Sohar (ibid. eod.); and ס8 מִעֲרֶכֶת הָאֶלָהוּת of Perez ha-kohen (ibid. 1558). See De' Rossi, Dizionario Storico (Germ. transl.), p. 56 sq.; First, Bibl. Jud. i, 103. (B. P.)