Beatty, Samuel Miller
Beatty, Samuel Miller a Methodist Episcopal minister, was born at Hagerstown, Md., Dec. 4, 1805. He embraced religion at the age of nineteen, received license to preach in 1831, and in 1841 entered the North Ohio Conference. From 1861 to the close of the war he served in the United States Hospital in Cleveland, and afterwards in the Bethel agency, one year in Cleveland, and the remainder of his life in Toledo, where he died, Nov. 22, 1876. Mr. Beatty was tall, erect, and well-developed; his features noble and beaming with good-nature; frank and genial in manner. His culture of mind was largely the result of observation, he never having had many school privileges. His life was highly exemplary. See Minutes of Annual Conferences, 1877, p. 110.