Barsony (De Lovas Bereny), George
Barsony (De Lovas Bereny), George, a Hungarian theologian, was born at Peterfalva near the commencement of the 17th century. He embraced the ecclesiastical profession, preached several years in Szerdahely, became canon at Gran in 1653, and was made bishop of Grosswardein in 1663. He distinguished himself by his zeal against Protestantism. He died Jan. 18, 1678. He wrote Veritas Toti Maundo Declarata; Argumzento Triplici ostendens J. C. Reiamve Majestatem non Obligari Tolerare in Hungsaria Sectas Lutheranam et Calvinianam (Raschau, 1671; Vienna, 1672). D. Joh. Posahazi published a refutation of the. work, entitled Falsitas Veritatis Toti Mundo Declarata, etc. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.