Bar-joseph, Ben-elchanan
Bar-Joseph, Ben-Elchanan a Jewish rabbi of the 17th century, is the author of אִרבִע חָרָשַׁים, a dogmatico-homiletical commentary on tlie historical books of the Old Test. divided into four parts. The first part, entitled כַּסֵּא דָוַד, treats of those passages which have reference to David's house; the second, קַנאִת אֶפרִיַ, speaks of the kings of Israel after the division of the kingdom, and of the so-called Messiah, the son of Joseph; the third, רוּחִ חֵן, speaks of Elijah and other prophets; and the fourth, רִב בּרָכוֹת, treats of the priests anl of the Noachites. The work was published at Frankfort-on-the-Oder in 1680. See Furst, Bibl. Jud. i, 84; Benjacob, Ozar Ha-Sepharim, or Thesaurus Librorumn Hebraicorum tam Impressorum quam Manu Script. (Wilna, 1880), i, 48, No. 935. (B. P.)