Bangs, Heman
Bangs, Heman a Methodist Episcopal minister, was born in Fairfield, Conn., in April, 1790. He professed conversion at the age of ten, but having no encouragement, soon went back into sin and folly; was reconverted at the age of eighteen; soon after received license to preach, and in 1815 entered the New York Conference. He was fifty-four consecutive years in the active ministry-thirty-three in the pastorate, three as agent of Wesleyan University, and eighteen as presiding elder. Almost his entire life was spent in and about New York City and New Haven. He died Nov. 2, 1869. Mr. Bangs excelled as a preacher. He was eminently original and practical.His sermons were always new and short. He had no superior as a pastor; was sociable, sympathizing, and solicitous. His presence was a perpetual sunshine in his home. See Minutes of Annual Conferences, 1870, p. 104; Simpson, Cyclop. of Methodism, s.v.