Aureus Codex
Aureus Codex, a Greek MS. of the Gospels. The royal library at Stockholm has for a long time possessed this splendid codex, whose contents were not known until the year 1875. when J. Belsheim betook himself to the examination of the same, the results of which he published. under the title Codex A reus, sive quattuor Evangelia ante Hieronymum Latinel Translata. E Codice Menbranaceo partiam Purpureo ac Litteris Aureis inter extremum quintum et inens septimumn saeulum, ut videtur, scriptol qui in Regia Bibliotheca Holmiensi asservatur. Nunc primmun. examxinavit atque ad verbum transcripsit et edidit (Christianas, 1878). 'This codex, as the title indicates, contains the four gospels (Lu 21:9-30 excepted) in a Latin translation before the time of-Jerome. This is Mr. Belsheim's opinion. Mr. Gebhardt, however, in a review of this publication in Schurer's. Literatur zeitung, 1878, p. 359 sq., is rather inclined to think that this codex belongs to a later date than Jerome's Vulgate; and, to make his assertion good, he quotes a number of passages in which the Codex Aureus agrees with the Vulgate. When and where the codex was written is yet an open question. After all, this publication is a valuable contribution to the text of the New Test.; and Mr. Belsheim's Prolegomena. comprising fifty-six pages, contain a great deal of valuable information. SEE MANUSCRIPTS, BIBLICAL. (B.P.).