Ash, John, Lld
Ash, John, LL.D.
an Independent minister, was born in Dorsetshire in 1724, and died in 1779. At first he pursued mathematics, but afterward studied theology, and entered the ministry. le was associated with Dr. Caleb Evans in founding the "Bristol Education Society." He settled as pastor at Pershore, Worcestershire, and devoted a large part of his time to the preparation of A New and Complete Dictionary of the English Language (2 vols. large 8vo, 1775), on an extended plan, and the best work of its class at the time. He also published Sentiments oh Education (1777, 2 vols. 12mo):-The
Dialogues of Eumenes.-Gentleman's Magazine, xlix, 215; Darling, Cyclop. Bibliograph. i, 113.