Arrowsmith, John, Dd
Arrowsmith, John, D.D., a Puritan divine, was born at Newcastle, March 29,1602, and died Feb. 1659. He was educated at Cambridge, became minister at Lynn, and afterward in London. He was a member of the Westminster Assembly, and afterward master of St. John's College and of Trinity College, Cambridge. Of his numerous writings, the most important are Arsmilla Catechetica, a chain of theological aphorisms (Cambr. 1659, 4to):-Tactica Sacra, de milite spirituali pugnante, vincente et triumphunti, dissertatio (Cantab. 1657, 4to). See Brook, Lives of the Puritans, iii, 315; Neal, History of the Puritans. iii. 115; Allibone, Dictionary of Authors, i, 71.