Aretius, Benedictus
Aretius, Benedictus a celebrated Swiss theologian; professor of logic at Marburg, in 1548; appointed professor of languages at Berne, in Switzerland, 1563, and professor of theology the same year; in which office he remained until his death in 1574, leaving many works, among them —
1. Examen Theologicum, or Loci Communes (Geneva, 1759 and 1617), a voluminous work, much sought after at the time: —
2. Commentarii Breves in Pentateuchum (Berne, 1602),
3. Lectiones viz de Ccena Domini (Geneva, 1589): —
4. Also Commentaries on the Four Gospels, on the Acts, on all the Epistles of St. Paul, on the Apocalypse.
In 1580 appeared a Commentary on the whole New Testament, in 11 vols. Svo. — Adam, Vitae Theol. Germ.; Landon, Eccl. Dict. 1, 512.