Antonio of Cordova
Antonio Of Cordova an Observantine monk of the order of St. Francis, who was looked upon in his time as an oracle in theology. He refused the bishopric of Placenza, which was offered to him, and died at Guadalaxara, in New Castile, in 1578, aged ninety-three. Among his works are De Potestate Papae (Venice, 1579, fol.); — Comm. in Regul. S. Francisci (Paris, 1621, 8vo); Quaestiones 4 de Detractione, etc. (Alcala, 1553); Quaestionarium Theologicum lib. v (Venice, 1604, fol.); Commentaria in 4 libros Magistri Sent.; De Indugentiis (Alcala, 1554); De Conceptione B. Virginis.Landon, Eccl. Dct. s.v.