Anger, Rudolph
Anger, Rudolph, a Protestant theologian of Germany, was born in the year 1806 at Dresden, and died, as doctor and professor of theology of the Leipsic University, Oct. 10. 1866, at the Elster watering-place. He published, De Temporum in Actis Apostolorum Ratione (Lips. 1830-33): — Beitrage zur historisch- kritischen Einleitung in das Alte u. Neue Testament (ibid. 1843): — De Onkelo, Chaldaico, quem ferunt Pentateuchi Paraphraste, etc. (ibid. 1846, in particulae): — Der Stern der Weisen und das Geburtsjahr Christi (ibid. 1847): — Zur Chronologie des Lehramtes Christi (ibid. 1848): — Synopsis Evangeliorum Matthaei, Marci, Lucce, cum Locis qui supersunt Parallelis, etc. (ibid. 1852): — Ratio, qua Loci Veteris Testamenti in Evangelio Matthei Laudantur (ibid. 1861-62, iii particuloe). In connection with W. Dindorf, he edited and annotated the Pastor Hermae See Zuchold, Bibl. Theol. 1, 30. (B. P.)