Alzog, Johann
Alzog, Johann a Roman Catholic theologian of Germany, was born at Ohlau, Silesia, in 1808. He studied at Breslau and Bonn; received holy orders. at Cologne in 1834; was made doctor of theology at Munster in 1835; the same year he was appointed professor at the Clerical Seminary in Posen; in 1845 he was called to Hildersheim; and he died at Freiburg, March 1, 1878, where he had been laboring since 1853. He wrote, Universalgeschichte der christl. Kirche (Mentz, 1841; 9th ed. 1859 and often; Engl. transl. by Pabisch and Bryne): — Manual of Universal Church History (Cincinnati, 1874), vol. i and ii: — Grundriss der Patrologie (Freiburg, 1866). (B. P.)