Alogi or Alogians
Alogi or Alogians (ἀ privative, and λόγος, denying the Logos; or from ἄλογοι, unreasonable), a sect of heretics in the second century, who were ardent opponents of the Montanists. According to Epiphanius (Hoer. 51) they denied that Jesus Christ was the Logos, and did not receive either the Gospel according to John or the Apocalypse, both of which they ascribed to the Gnostic Cerinthus. Lardner doubts their existence. It does appear, however, that certain opponents of the Montanists not only denied the prophetic gifts claimed by these heretics, but began also to reject from the creed all those things out of which the error of the Montanists had sprung; hence they denied the continuance of the gifts of the Holy Ghost in the Church; and from thus rejecting the doctrine of the Logos, so clearly taught in the earlier part of the Gospel, they acquired their name. They are said to owe their origin to Theodotus of Byzantium, a currier. See Euseb. Ch.
Hist.5, 28; Lardner, Works, 4, 190; 8:627; Heinichen, De Alogis, etc. (Lips. 1829); Neander, Ch. Hist. 1, 526, 583.